Monday 17 December 2012

The Shore Club wins award

Congratulations to Rhys Harnish and the Shore Club.  The Shore Club was named one of the 10  "Must Try" restaurants in Canada by Reader's Digest magazine. On December 15th it was my pleasure to present a certificate on behalf of Jamie Baillie and the PC Caucus of Nova Scotia recognizing the Shore Club's accomplishment. Reader's Digest encourages readers to "Expand your dining horizons by exploring the more interesting establishments on offer from coast to coast." The Shore Club claims to have served more than 1 million lobster suppers since they served the first one in 1936. As Reader's Digest says "come hungry".

Award for Trellis Cafe

On Friday, December 14th, it was my pleasure to present a certificate on behalf of Jamie Baillie and the PC Caucus of Nova Scotia to Wilma Raaymakers, owner of The Trellis Cafe in Hubbards. Wilma and her fabulous team won the Restaurant of the Year: Essence of Nova Scotia Award from Taste of Nova Scotia. The awards "recognize and thank the passionate, dedicated people - our farmers, fishers and chefs - who create the artisanal products that make our province a true culinary tourism destination." Congratulations Trellis Cafe on this well-deserved award.

Monday 10 December 2012

New Ross Christmas Festival

On Saturday, December 8th, I spent the day in the New Ross area attending some of the events that were part of the 19th annual New Ross Christmas Festival. It's a great way to get you into the Christmas spirit and a testament to the strong community spirit of the New Ross area. I met one Halifax parent who has brought his children to the festival every year. As the organizers say, the festival is "where family traditions grow". Congratulations to the organizers and dedicated volunteers who make everyone feel welcome and instill some Christmas spirit in all of us.

Father Christmas at Ross Farm

With George Broome at the Christmas Craft Fair

With Aldon Turner on his christmas tree lot

The fire in the Rosebank Cottage at Ross Farm is inviting on a wet day.
The well-attended turkey dinner at the Forties Community Centre

Friday 7 December 2012

Woodlot Tour

On November 29th I had the privilege of touring a private woodlot near New Ross owned by Reeves Forestry. Debbie Reeves is working with the Department of Natural Resources on a pilot program that will help manage woodlots in sustainable ways. In Debbie's words, "Applying ecosystem based management analysis of soil and vegetation along with the remnants of the early stand species indicate that this can be moved to mid successional balsam fir, red maple and eventually to a late successional sugar maple, white ash stand along with red spruce and yellow birch. To aid this process we are applying a new type of management treatment calling it a seed tree release whereby we will release ( cut the opening or canopy around ) existing late successional species with the expectation that they will prosper and grow to provide seed to grow into an Acadian Forest type of stand." 

Debbie's knowledge, dedication and passion for woodlands that have been in her family for generations is obvious as soon as you meet her. Debbie's commitment to diverse sustainability will mean her woodlands will thrive as an ecosystem for generations and offer commercial opportunities as the ever-changing woods market evolves.

Debbie is also working with Ross Farm to develop a program to allow school children to come in to the woodlot and learn about the value of forests and sustainability.

After you spend time with Debbie Reeves, you feel confident about the future of woodlots in our province managed with this kind of care and expertise.

Friday 30 November 2012

Visit to Little Tancook Is.

I haven't posted in a little while. I've spent the month of November going door-to-door in Tantallon, Head of St. Margaret's, East River and Little Tancook Island and attending many community events and meetings. Here are some pictures of my trip to Little Tancook. There is no better way to meet constituents, listen to their concerns and explain what I and a PC government will do to deal with the issues facing the people of Chester-St. Margaret's. I will continue meeting constituents throughout the winter. Please remember to visit The Issues page of this website to read more about the PC party's plans to deal with issues we all face.

Little Tancook Is. harbour

The ferry arriving on Little Tancook Is.
On Little Tancook Is. wharf

With Doris Levy of Little Tancook Is.

Monday 15 October 2012

Fox Point Community Centre Open House

The Fox Point Community Centre is a little more than a year old but it's come a long way and is providing a valuable service to the area.  At their open house Saturday, October 13th, they showed off some of their accomplishments such as the fitness centre which has treadmills, an elliptical trainer, weight machines, free weights and there's a personal trainer available.

Amy Delorey and I in the fitness centre.  

Amy Delorey is the "go-to" person you'll find at the centre five days a week.  The centre also has a toy library and a community room which is available for rent for a small fee. There are children's programs too.  This past summer those programs included Positive Publishing and Messy science.  The kids learned how to make a volcano and geysers, as well as play doh.

5 year old Kaylee Tufts learns about volcanoes from Dakota Inglis, a volunteer at the centre.

The geyser demonstration shows that a mixture of soda pop and mints can go a long way!

The centre is now offering after school programs.  For more information on the community centre their web site is: or call 858-3440.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Thanksgiving Open House at Aspotogan Heritage Trust

Things were busy at the Aspotogan Heritage Trust Open House in Hubbards on Saturday, October 6th. The Heritage Trust is so important to the Aspotogan community. It fosters and supports community groups and community projects by providing finances and know-how. Suzanne Brown is the 'Community Navigator' for the Trust. If you have a specific issue or concern she can point you to the right department or agency to deal with it. Community Wheels is another one of the initiatives the Trust has helped get on the road. The service is available to people of all ages and allows those without a car to be able to get to appointments and other places they need to go.

Jeff Hirsch with his daughters Grace and Robyn try to find just the right pumpkin for the holiday.

Hubbards resident Hilda Duncan and I celebrating the day.

Sandra Meister, Community Wheels coordinator and Osborne MacDow, one of the drivers, in front of their newest set of wheels.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Speech at Rotary Club of Halifax

On September 20th I was guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Halifax's regular meeting. Rotarians are committed to public service through many means. One of their objectives is to promote "high ethical standards in business and professions". They have a 'Four-Way Test' which should govern what we "say, think or do". The first test is "Is it the truth?"

My topic was my transition from a career in journalism to politics. High ethical standards and the truth play an important part in both. I said, 

"Journalists seek to find the truth about a situation or issue. Not a version of the truth, the truth. Because I believe truth is absolute.

I believe a politician has an obligation to the truth."

"A journalist's credibility is their most valuable commodity. Once it is gone, you never get it back. 
 I believe it’s the same for a politician.

That is why I believe honesty, transparency and accountability are just as important to me as a politician as they were to me as a journalist."

I applaud the Rotary Club of Halifax's many endeavours including work at the IWK Hospital for Children, promoting citizenship and their current project of planting trees as part of an urban reforestation project.

Monday 17 September 2012

Jamie Baillie & Janet in Chester

On September 13th, before my formal nomination in the evening, Jamie Baillie and I visited some businesses in the Chester area. We stopped at Bonny Lea Farm. Bonny Lea Farm gives people with disabilities opportunities to learn skills that can lead to meaningful and productive lives in their communities. Bonny Lea Farm produces many garden related products.

 We visited Sealand Industries. For more than 40 years Sealand has provided sales and service for the area's commercial and pleasure boating needs.

We also visited GN Thermoforming Equipment in East Chester. They are manufactures of thermoforming equipment and tooling for plastic packaging. They have markets all over the world. A real success story in the Chester area.

Friday 14 September 2012

Nomination Speech

On the evening of September 13th, I was formally announced as the candidate for the Progressive Conservative Party of Nova Scotia in the constituency of Chester-St. Margaret's. PC Leader Jamie Baillie was on hand to share in the celebration. I am very honoured to be your candidate. There was a great turnout at St. Stephen's Parish Hall in Chester. It was a time for me to say thank you to all those who supported my nomination and to move on to the next phase, campaigning to win back this seat. Here is a video of my speech.

Friday 31 August 2012

Walk With Her

On the evening of August 29th I participated in 'Walk With Her' in Dartmouth. Walk With Her is a monthly, non-partisan walking group that includes local female politicians talking about diversity. The topic for this month was 'DIY Healthcare'. Other participants included Diana Whalen, MLA Halifax Clayton Park, Jennifer Watts, candidate for HRM Councillor in District 8-Penninsula North, Rebecca Faria of Hollaback! Halifax and Gillian Wesley, a blogger at The Local Traveller. The topics included the importance of a designated 'Family Day', appreciating local sites and culture and my topic about how raising edible plants can promote a healthier mind & body. Good company, good conversation and a lovely walk on a beautiful evening.

The Forties Flower Show

On August 29th I attended The Forties 60th Annual Flower Show sponsored by the Forties Garden Club. As an avid gardener I appreciate the time and effort that goes into raising beautiful flowers. The participants submitted their flowers in stunning arrangements. The Forties Garden Club is to be congratulated on holding its 60th annual show, a remarkable testament to the community spirit in The Forties.

Pansy Hiltz (far right) receives one of her awards

One of Pansy Hiltz's arrangements

Mary Reeves & Frances Keddy, current & founding Presidents of the Forties Garden Club

Tuesday 21 August 2012

New Ross Fair

On Friday, August 17th PC Leader Jaime Baillie joined me for a visit to New Ross. We first visited the New Ross Family Resource Centre where Diane Webber explained the services offered by the centre. The centre has become a focal point in the community providing important services that may not otherwise be available to residents of the New Ross area. Next we visited Sanders Supply where Dwight Sanders and Michael Keddy had invited some woodsmen, christmas tree growers and woodlot owners to talk to Jamie about the effect the closure of the Bowater Mersey Pulp & Paper operation has had on them. Jamie and I listened while they suggested short and long term ideas for protecting the forest industry. Jamie talked about the need to get wood moving again in the short term and the need to develop more value-added opportunities for our forest resources to provide long term economic stability to our rural communities. As well, he says the province must protect and diversify its woodlands.

Next we visited the New Ross Community Fair. New Ross native and South Shore-St. Margaret's MP Gerald Keddy kindly showed us around and introduced us to many residents. The sense of community at the fair is wonderful. Events like the Ox Pull and Double Horse Challenge speak to the strong links between the community and the farming and forestry that has been going on here for many generations.