
Campaigns require commitment, long hours and lots of energy on the part of the candidate and volunteers to be successful. In our multimedia world today they also require money. You will have seen signs, received literature at the door and in the mail. It all costs money. Fortunately, to encourage support and participation in our democratic process, there are significant tax benefits to supporting a political party.

 If you are able to contribute to Janet's campaign, you will receive a Nova Scotia tax credit of up to 75% of the amount you donate to a maximum of $750 annually. That amount comes directly off the Nova Scotia portion of your taxes. So a $1,000 donation will give you the maximum $750 tax credit, cost you $250 and will go a long way towards winning this constituency. Any donation amount will help us win. Under election rules, only individuals may donate.

   You can make a contribution by going to the PC Party website by clicking here:

 Click on ‘Donate’ and the scroll down list will allow you to select the constituency of Chester-St. Margaret’s.

You can also drop off or send a cheque to Mary MacInnis, our Official Agent at:

Suite 103, 54 Queen St,
P.O. Box 633,
Chester, NS   B0J 1J0

The cheque should be payable to “The Official Agent for Janet Irwin”. Thank you for your support.