Monday 15 October 2012

Fox Point Community Centre Open House

The Fox Point Community Centre is a little more than a year old but it's come a long way and is providing a valuable service to the area.  At their open house Saturday, October 13th, they showed off some of their accomplishments such as the fitness centre which has treadmills, an elliptical trainer, weight machines, free weights and there's a personal trainer available.

Amy Delorey and I in the fitness centre.  

Amy Delorey is the "go-to" person you'll find at the centre five days a week.  The centre also has a toy library and a community room which is available for rent for a small fee. There are children's programs too.  This past summer those programs included Positive Publishing and Messy science.  The kids learned how to make a volcano and geysers, as well as play doh.

5 year old Kaylee Tufts learns about volcanoes from Dakota Inglis, a volunteer at the centre.

The geyser demonstration shows that a mixture of soda pop and mints can go a long way!

The centre is now offering after school programs.  For more information on the community centre their web site is: or call 858-3440.