Tuesday 9 October 2012

Thanksgiving Open House at Aspotogan Heritage Trust

Things were busy at the Aspotogan Heritage Trust Open House in Hubbards on Saturday, October 6th. The Heritage Trust is so important to the Aspotogan community. It fosters and supports community groups and community projects by providing finances and know-how. Suzanne Brown is the 'Community Navigator' for the Trust. If you have a specific issue or concern she can point you to the right department or agency to deal with it. Community Wheels is another one of the initiatives the Trust has helped get on the road. The service is available to people of all ages and allows those without a car to be able to get to appointments and other places they need to go.

Jeff Hirsch with his daughters Grace and Robyn try to find just the right pumpkin for the holiday.

Hubbards resident Hilda Duncan and I celebrating the day.

Sandra Meister, Community Wheels coordinator and Osborne MacDow, one of the drivers, in front of their newest set of wheels.