Friday 7 December 2012

Woodlot Tour

On November 29th I had the privilege of touring a private woodlot near New Ross owned by Reeves Forestry. Debbie Reeves is working with the Department of Natural Resources on a pilot program that will help manage woodlots in sustainable ways. In Debbie's words, "Applying ecosystem based management analysis of soil and vegetation along with the remnants of the early stand species indicate that this can be moved to mid successional balsam fir, red maple and eventually to a late successional sugar maple, white ash stand along with red spruce and yellow birch. To aid this process we are applying a new type of management treatment calling it a seed tree release whereby we will release ( cut the opening or canopy around ) existing late successional species with the expectation that they will prosper and grow to provide seed to grow into an Acadian Forest type of stand." 

Debbie's knowledge, dedication and passion for woodlands that have been in her family for generations is obvious as soon as you meet her. Debbie's commitment to diverse sustainability will mean her woodlands will thrive as an ecosystem for generations and offer commercial opportunities as the ever-changing woods market evolves.

Debbie is also working with Ross Farm to develop a program to allow school children to come in to the woodlot and learn about the value of forests and sustainability.

After you spend time with Debbie Reeves, you feel confident about the future of woodlots in our province managed with this kind of care and expertise.