Thursday 3 October 2013

Election day is near...

Election day is coming up fast; Tuesday, October 8th. Advance polls are tomorrow and Saturday. This campaign has been amazing. I've met so many people who have been kind enough to listen to me and have taken the time to tell me about their concerns. There is no substitute for going door-to-door and I've gone to more than 3,500 doors in this constituency in the last year. I've also done several media interviews and participated in 5 debates, the last one was last evening in Chester. I was able to explain who I am, what I stand for and why I would make a strong MLA for this constituency. Our platform is available at:

As I said in my closing remarks last evening, now it is up to the voters of Chester-St. Margaret's. We are setting the course for Nova Scotia. It is so important that constituents vote, that they make sure their voice is heard in this important decision. Please make sure you vote. If you have any questions about when or where you can vote, please contact us.