Tuesday 24 September 2013


Janet will be participating in 5 debates over the next week or so. They are:

September 25th at Forest Heights High School from 10:30 am – 12:15 pm

September 26th at Sir John A. MacDonald High School from 9:30 – 10:30am

September 26th at Shining Waters Marina on Hwy 333. Starts at 7 pm

October 1st at The Shore Club in Hubbards. Starts at 7 pm

October 2nd at the Chester Legion from 7:30 – 9:30 pm

This is an opportunity to hear the candidates answer questions from different groups and debate the issues facing the constituency of Chester-St. Margaret’s. Please try to attend.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Jamie on the South Shore

On Friday Jamie Baillie joined me for some campaigning in Chester. We then travelled to Snyder's Shipyard in Dayspring. Joined by other South Shore candidates Brian Pickings and David Mitchell, Jamie reiterated the PC platform of Change That Works. Specifically, how the PC platform will support small businesses in our rural communities to create jobs here.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Campaigning on Big Tancook Is.

Today Butch Heisler accompanied me going door to door on Big Tancook Is. It was a beautiful September day to go to the island. Voters on Big Tancook Island want good fiscal government that meets their needs. They are concerned about the debt, sustaining their rural way of life and what the future holds for their children. I was able to explain how a Progressive Conservative government will address those concerns and provide a better future for them and their children.

Monday 9 September 2013

Commuter campaigning

I, election team members and supporters were up early this morning greeting commuters at Tantallon and East Chester/East River. The response was great...lots of waves, thumbs up and honking of horns. Very encouraging. We'll be back.