Friday 30 November 2012

Visit to Little Tancook Is.

I haven't posted in a little while. I've spent the month of November going door-to-door in Tantallon, Head of St. Margaret's, East River and Little Tancook Island and attending many community events and meetings. Here are some pictures of my trip to Little Tancook. There is no better way to meet constituents, listen to their concerns and explain what I and a PC government will do to deal with the issues facing the people of Chester-St. Margaret's. I will continue meeting constituents throughout the winter. Please remember to visit The Issues page of this website to read more about the PC party's plans to deal with issues we all face.

Little Tancook Is. harbour

The ferry arriving on Little Tancook Is.
On Little Tancook Is. wharf

With Doris Levy of Little Tancook Is.