Friday 31 August 2012

Walk With Her

On the evening of August 29th I participated in 'Walk With Her' in Dartmouth. Walk With Her is a monthly, non-partisan walking group that includes local female politicians talking about diversity. The topic for this month was 'DIY Healthcare'. Other participants included Diana Whalen, MLA Halifax Clayton Park, Jennifer Watts, candidate for HRM Councillor in District 8-Penninsula North, Rebecca Faria of Hollaback! Halifax and Gillian Wesley, a blogger at The Local Traveller. The topics included the importance of a designated 'Family Day', appreciating local sites and culture and my topic about how raising edible plants can promote a healthier mind & body. Good company, good conversation and a lovely walk on a beautiful evening.

The Forties Flower Show

On August 29th I attended The Forties 60th Annual Flower Show sponsored by the Forties Garden Club. As an avid gardener I appreciate the time and effort that goes into raising beautiful flowers. The participants submitted their flowers in stunning arrangements. The Forties Garden Club is to be congratulated on holding its 60th annual show, a remarkable testament to the community spirit in The Forties.

Pansy Hiltz (far right) receives one of her awards

One of Pansy Hiltz's arrangements

Mary Reeves & Frances Keddy, current & founding Presidents of the Forties Garden Club

Tuesday 21 August 2012

New Ross Fair

On Friday, August 17th PC Leader Jaime Baillie joined me for a visit to New Ross. We first visited the New Ross Family Resource Centre where Diane Webber explained the services offered by the centre. The centre has become a focal point in the community providing important services that may not otherwise be available to residents of the New Ross area. Next we visited Sanders Supply where Dwight Sanders and Michael Keddy had invited some woodsmen, christmas tree growers and woodlot owners to talk to Jamie about the effect the closure of the Bowater Mersey Pulp & Paper operation has had on them. Jamie and I listened while they suggested short and long term ideas for protecting the forest industry. Jamie talked about the need to get wood moving again in the short term and the need to develop more value-added opportunities for our forest resources to provide long term economic stability to our rural communities. As well, he says the province must protect and diversify its woodlands.

Next we visited the New Ross Community Fair. New Ross native and South Shore-St. Margaret's MP Gerald Keddy kindly showed us around and introduced us to many residents. The sense of community at the fair is wonderful. Events like the Ox Pull and Double Horse Challenge speak to the strong links between the community and the farming and forestry that has been going on here for many generations.


Monday 13 August 2012

Lordly House Exhibits Opening

On Sunday, August 12th I attended the official opening of two exhibits at the Lordly House Museum in Chester. One documents "The American Connection" of residents of Chester from the United States. The other exhibit, titled "The Blandford & Area Marine Exhibit", documents how the sea has shaped the history of the Blandford area. The ribbon was cut by D'Arcy Enright of Blandford and Stewart Lindsay of Chester. Speakers Gail Smith and Alan Wilson gave excellent context to the exhibits. Both exhibits offer valuable insight into the fabric of our community. I highly recommend a visit to beautiful Lordly House Museum. Congratulations to the Chester Municipal Heritage Society and The Blandford & Area Historical Society.

Sunday 12 August 2012

Parades in Hubbards & Western Shore

Saturday, August 11th I participated in parades in Hubbards and Western Shore. It says a lot about our communities when spectators brave showers to see and support everyone who took part in the parade. I had my Sou'Wester ready for the showers. Thanks to Charlotte MacDonald, Linda Sutherland, Kim Hodgson and my husband Daryl for helping. And thanks to Roxane Bay of Let There Be Light Studio for the picture of me in my 'Sou'Wester'. It is always great to meet neighbours in person and I will continue to try to meet as many people in Chester-St. Margaret's as I can.

courtesy Roxane Bay

Bonny Lea Farm Lobster Dinner

On Sunday, August 5th I attended the Lobster Supper fundraiser at Bonny Lea Farm. It was a wonderful evening of delicious food, music and community spirit. Bonny Lea Farm's mission statement says it all. "Bonny Lea Farm is committed to empowering special needs individuals, providing opportunities to experience faith, self-respect, love one for another, dignity, integrity, productivity, and responsible community living." We are so privileged to have Bonny Lea Farm in our community. Hats off to all who work and volunteer there in support of the residents and congratulations to all who came out to support Bonny Lea Farm and its important work.